Module 1 : Core Concepts

  • Overview of Container Orchestration
  • Introduction to Kubernetes
  • Kubernetes Architecture

Module 2: Create Azure AKS Cluster

  • Introduction to Azure AKS Cluster
  • Create AKS Cluster
  • Explore AKS Cluster using kubectl
  • Setup Azure CLI on Local Desktop

Module 3: Managing Resources

  • Managing Pods
  • Managing Labels & Selector
  • Managing Replication Controller & Replica Set
  • Managing Service

Module 4: Scheduling

  • Manual Scheduling
  • Taint and Tolerations
  • Node Selector
  • Node Affinity

Module 5: Application Lifecycle Management

  • Overview of Deployment
  • Deployment Strategies
  • Managing Deployment

Module 6: Environment Variable

  • Plain Key
  • Config Map
  • Secret
  • Mount Variable as Volume

Module 7: Storage

  • Volumes
  • Persistent Volumes
  • Persistent Volume Claim
  • Azure Disks for AKS Storage
  • Create Storage Class
  • Managing Persistent Volumes
  • Managing Persistent Volume Claims
  • Use AKS Provisioned Storage Class instead of Custom Storage Class


Module 8 : Security

  • Introduction to Active Directory Authentication for AKS admins
  • Create AD Group and User and Enable AD for AKS
  • Access Azure AKS Cluster Resources using Azure AD User
  • Manage Roles and Role Bindings
  • Manage ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBindings

Module 9: Autoscaling

  • Introduction to Cluster Autoscaler
  • Create AKS Cluster with Autoscaling enabled using Azure AKS
  • Introduction to Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
  • Create Horizontal Pod Autoscaler

Module 10: Logging and Monitoring

  • Understand how to Monitor all Cluster Components
  • Understand how to Monitor Applications
  • Manage Cluster Components Logs
  • Manage Application Logs

Module 11: Networking in Kubernetes

  • Kubernetes Networking
  • Understand CNI
  • Understand Pod Networking Concepts
  • Configure Manual DNS
  • Configure and Manage Ingress Rule
  • Namespace
  • Load Balancer Service
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